Getting Started

So you're hooked, now how do you start your first campaign?

First, make sure you know the dimensions of the spots you are wanting to advertise in. With this, you can either create your advertising content, or have content made. If you join the Salvador Dynamics Discord Server, you can have us help you make a stunning advertisement for you.

Second, navigate to
Create an account, or login to an existing one.

Either navigate to "SD Ads" or click here once you are logged in.

Once on the SD Ads page, click on "Advertiser".

From this page you can see a list of your current campaigns. You should also see options on the top to create a new campaign. For example, if you wanted to create a FiveM advertisement, click on "New FiveM Billboard Campaign".

Now just follow the steps provided. After you submit your order, our team will review your content and place the ads in our server.
Our ad network, like many others, display our ads based on bids. Basically, depending on how much you bid, will determine how often your ad is shown compared to other advertisers.

If there are 2 advertisers that want to advertise for a month, and both bid $5, then both ads would be shown half of the time. Half of the month would be advertiser 1, the other half is advertiser 2.

If there are 2 advertisers and Advertiser 1 bids $10 and Advertiser 2 bids only $5, then Advertiser 1's campaign will be displayed much more often in the month then Advertiser 2.
A single bid can be for as little as $0.01 for 1 month. However, bidding this little might mean your ad will only be displayed in a limited amount of servers for a very limited amount of time.

Generally, for good coverage we recommend to have a bid of at least $1 per day advertising. So if you are advertising for a month, bid $30 or more. This will help ensure that your campaign will be seen. However, more popular ad spots may require more of a bid to be seen properly.

For FiveM, see our FiveM ads section to see our recommended bid amounts live.
When you place an order, our team will need to review the content to ensure it complies with our terms. Basically, no adult content. After this, our team then has to manually take your content and place it to the correct slot. After this, our system will then start advertising your content. This can take up to 72 hours after the initial purchase to be seen for the first time.

You can keep track of the progress of your campaign by going to your dashboard.